Monday, October 11, 2010

What is Collage and Cubism?

What is collage? 
Ans)A collage is a work of formal art, primarily in the visual arts, made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole. It is a technique in art consisting of cutting and pasting natural or manufactured materials to a painted or unpainted surface. 

Research 2 of the above collage techniques on google. Which one appeals to you the most and why? 
Ans) There are two collage techniques, which is the Cubomania and Inimage. Cubomania is one of the collage techniques. It is a collage that is put together by images or pictures that are cut into squares. Which it creates a random and automatically appearance. Inimage is the kind of the collage which parts of the image is been cut off and another image is being reveal through that space. I like the Inimage technique, because is more clean and organize, where different images are being overlap or on top of each other and create texture. 

What is cubism? Give a general definition. 
Ans)Cubism is a style of painting that developed in the early 20th century. It involves different forms of shapes, colours and objects being pull apart or put together with different graphics. There are two types of Cubism- Analytic Cubism and Synthetic Cubism. 

How did it start? 
Ans) It started in 20th Century and was influenced by the I5th Century Italian Renaissance and the I6th Century Italian High Renaissance. It was the invention of Picasso and Braque, since they started to exclude all but the formal elements of art: line, shape, and color to create a new movement of art.

What is analytical cubism? Name a piece of analytical cubist artwork. 
Ans) Colours was almost non-existent in the Analytic Cubism where only colours like grey, blue and ochre are used. Instead of an emphasis on colours, Analytic cubists are base on shapes like cylinder, sphere and cone to represent the natural world.A piece of analytical cubist artwork would be “Portrait of Daniel- Henry Kahnweiler” by Pablo Picasso.

What is synthetic cubism? Name a piece of synthetic cubist artwork. 
Ans) On the other hand, Synthetic Cubism is having several objects together than having objects separating from each other like the Analytic Cubism. Often, artists use more than one type of medium in the same piece, where there are less shading and more of flatter space. A piece of synthetic cubist artwork would be “Still Life with Fruit Dish and Mandolin” by Juan Gris. 

Do you like cubism? Why or why not explain using the vocabulary of the elements and principles of design. 
Ans) I like cubism, because is a very unique style that there is no focal point, it shows the use of dull and bright colours, and various ideas are presented in one piece of work.